Today’s question comes from Lu:
“I am starting a ‘commission’ (poppies) for my brother.
The size is 18″x36″.
I found ‘clay board’ in that size. I have never worked on this type of surface before. The medium is watercolor.
Have you worked on this surface with watercolor.?? If so, do you have any suggestions. I did a large commission on watercolor canvas…I enjoyed working on a large piece and the surface also.
Would appreciate your suggestions. Thanks.”
Do you have any information that might help Lu? ?
Please leave your response in the comments box below.
Clayboard would be perfect for this subject as the colors tend to be more vivid than on paper. I haven’t used that large format, but have had good success selling the 12×16 size
Anybody know where I can buy claybord panels in the uk – please?
I used gamblin oil paints to paint over a clayboard (ampersand). Then later I realized that clayboard might not really be ideal for oils. Is that really so and what happens to the finished painting when painted over clayboard?
Hope anyone can help.
Where in Queensland can I by Clay Board? As I live in Nanango,witch is 200km from Brisbane. Thank you all they s very helpful all around.I have been drawing for over 60 years and there is always new riders cumming up Most times I have a old pad and pen with me,just to draw what I they are pretty ruff and reddy. thank you again. Lofty
Aquabord is the name of the clayboard product by Ampersand that is for painting in watercolor. The surface has been prepared to accept watercolor. I have not tried it on clayboard, and am guessing it will not accept as readily. The product is different that paper and be prepared for that. Lifting with a Mr Clean sponge/Magic Eraser will help.
If you already have the clayboard, I have brushed watercolor medium over the surface to allow it to absorb and hold watercolor.
Clayboard is rougher and may cause damage to your watercolor brushes, almost sanding them. Don’t use your expensive brushes!