Todays question comes from Helen and she asks:
“In using oil paints, I always use Titanium White, where and how is Zinc White used (Mixing White )? Thank You .”
Do you have any information that may help Helen? Please leave your response in the comments box below. Thanks!
There is a very good explanation of all the whites, not just zinc and titanium at the Winsor & Newton website. It lists the pros and cons of each type. Here’s the link:
Art Goddess
Titanium White is opaque and bluish. Zinc White is transparent and colorless, making it ideal for tints and glazing, but becomes brittle with age. Titanium-Zinc White(Mixing) is not too brittle, and the mixture gives your color a pearly luster that enhances your tints.
Recently there was a study revealing the instability of zinc white …leads to cracking and lifting…try not to use zinc if you can help it and watch your titanium white it often has zinc in it.