Today’s question comes from Karthika:
Karthika Writes:
“I would like to know how is it that i can acheive the smooth glowy refelction on the surface of sunglasses. I’m doing a graphite and charcoal portrait where the person is wearing sunglasses with a reflection of a lake. I’m confused !”
Do you have any information that might help Karthika? Please leave your response in the comments box below. Thanks!
kate macleod says
Karthika, no quick solution to drawing reflections, take your time draw only what you actually see but use tonal development to get you there. In other words study the reflections carefully and differentiate each tone. As for smoothness without pencil lines use a smudger(rolled compacted paper, sold in most art shops)this will give a smooth application to your drawing if you scribble some graphite on scrap paper then lift with smudger and apply. hope this helps kate xx
colorart says
Keep the reflection in mind,not the sunglass.It will be all tone on tone.Smudge with your fingers or a torchon,shading carefully.Remember the curve of the glass.It sounds formidable but really it is not.Try it on a scrap paper first,until you get the look you are heading for then go for it.You can do it.