Today’s question comes from Andrea and she Writes:
“How do I store a wet oil painting? After I complete one of my paintings, I let it dry, uncovered, in my studio. I notice after several weeks, the painting collects dust, that is difficult to remove. I have tried moving it to a different room and storing it in a closet, but none of these solutions appear to be working.”
Do you have any information that may help Andrea? Please leave your response in the comments box below. Thanks!
I have stored mine with the wet face turned to the wall at a distance of say 1in from the wall, and with a shelf above. There are different ways of supporting the painting.
I’ve found two good ways to store a wet oil painting:
1. Lean the painting against a wall paint side down.
2. Use a wet painting carrier box.
The first method works fine, but you’ll end up with off-gasses in the room. I prefer using the wet-painting box, which come in wood (more expensive) or cardboard (much less expensive). The boxes come in different sizes and will hold two different sized canvases per box. These are made for plein air painting and will only work for the smaller sized canvases–so if you paint with large canvases you will have to make your own box to fit. Then I store the boxes in the garage so I don’t have the smell pervading the house…
Best wishes!