Todays questions is from Ned.
Ned Writes:
” Hi, I would like to learn how to start learning how to paint with oil colors . I have the basics in Drawing with pencil and thought oils would give me more of building portraits or scenes . At first I would like to try and discover if I have the ability . This would entail me getting a cheap set up to begin with. As I live in Victoria Australia are you able to asist me in this ?”
Do you have any information that may help Ned? Please leave your response in the comments box below. Thanks!
I have found a very very helpful aid to oils in a book by olle nordmark titled a complete course in oil painting.
It is out of print BUT,can be obtained from Amazon or some rare bookshops. It does not cost an arm and a leg and is well worth the time spent.
All you have to do is follow the lessons as given and you will succeed in your quest.
Keep it up and good luck and rember the saying paint hides a lot of mistake
Regards ,John