Loose Watercolor Jellyfish Step by Step Tutorial
The video titled “Loose Watercolor Jellyfish Step by Step Tutorial” by the channel Nianiani is a detailed watercolor jellyfish tutorial . The instructor begins by demonstrating how to draw a jellyfish in simple shapes, emphasizing the flexibility and different viewpoints of the jellyfish. They suggest using a mushroom shape for the bell or hood, with variations for different perspectives.
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The tutorial then progresses to adding details, mainly focusing on the tentacles and arms of the jellyfish. The instructor emphasizes the importance of fluidity and natural flow in the drawing, using zigzag lines to create a pattern for the frills. They also suggest practicing separately to visualize better and understand the folds of the arms.
The instructor recommends starting with a light outline and using a limited color palette when painting. They use Hansa yellow, Cobalt green, Prussian blue, and Bleed Proof White for highlights. The tutorial covers techniques for dampening the surface, applying color, and ensuring a natural blend. The instructor highlights the use of different color intensities to create depth and translucency.
The video also covers adding texture to the jellyfish, mainly focusing on the arms and tentacles. The instructor suggests using a mixture of colors to add definition and details. They also demonstrate how to use a liner brush for delicate lines and create a more defined look by increasing contrast and adding final adjustments.
In the concluding part of the video, the instructor adds final touches like dust specs to mimic underwater scenes. They mention that this step is optional and encourages viewers to customize their painting to their liking. The video ends with showcasing the finished painting and encouraging viewers to experiment with different colors and techniques.
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