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Procreate is an awesome app. I only started using it several months ago, so I am not an expert as of yet, but there are plenty of artist’s who are. So I searched the web and found some excellent procreate drawing tutorials for beginners , your basic “how to get started” stuff for procreate as there are many great features, tips and techniques that you may not be aware of. I hope you enjoy and learn something new today!
This procreate tutorial series is intended for beginners to advanced procreate users. It should teach you everything you need to know about the basics of using Procreate on iPad. This is part 1 of 10 in this comprehensive procreate tutorial series. These tips and tricks should help you improve your understanding and workflow within Procreate. Learn how to use the gallery, share and export artworks, configure canvas size, control DPI, adjust brush sizes, turn on quick line, work with opacity and much more. This Procreate Beginners Tutorial was made using Procreate 4.0, if you want to learn about the new features, check out my Procreate 4.1 and 4.2 update videos on my channel 🙂 Enjoy! Visit the artist’s youtube channel here.
This video is intended for beginners and advanced procreate users. It should teach you everything you need to know about the basics of using Procreate on iPad. This is part 2 of 10 in this comprehensive overview of Procreate 4. These tips and tricks should help you improve your understanding and workflow within Procreate. Learn how to use various gestures such as copy and paste, quick select, undo, redo, clear layer, quick actions, color picker…etc This video was made using Procreate 4.0, if you want to learn about the new features, check out my Procreate 4.1 and 4.2 update videos on my channel. Subscribe to the channel https://www.youtube.com/artanddesign
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This is one of my favorite procreate drawing tutorials for beginners as it covers all the bases. Enjoy and be sure to subscribe to the artist’s youtube channel by following the link below.
Want to learn how to use Procreate to draw on your iPad? New to Procreate or want to learn time-saving tips and tricks? In this video you’ll learn all the basics, tips, tricks, and everything you need to get you drawing as quickly as possible, without overwhelming you with information. Learn which hardware to get, the best size canvas to use, colors, layers, alpha lock and clipping masks, select and transform, drawing guides, adjustments, and more. MAKE ART EVERYDAY // I believe that creativity can make a profound impact on people’s lives, no matter their skill level. If I could offer one piece of advice about establishing a daily art-making habit, it would be to make it as easy as possible for you to create. Make your tools accessible, and remove any barriers that might stop you from doing it. With the iPad and Procreate, you have hundreds of tools and every color imaginable at your disposal. Make art anytime, anywhere. Subscribe for more illustration, drawing, and Procreate Tutorials: http://bit.ly/bbyoutubesubscribe
Artist Okse takes you through the basics of the Procreate app , how to create a drawing showing you various brushes and inking colouring and shading techniques. Visit the artist’s youtube channel here.
Visit the artists’s youtube channel here.
Greetings and welcome to my first video. In this video I briefly go over the basics of getting started with the Procreate on iPad. I plan to do many more tutorial, tips and tricks videos about art and design applications. Art and Design https://www.youtube.com/artanddesign Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thorgeirskula
Here’s the much teased “Techniques” video! Well, part one, really. I felt it best to break it up so watching them is a little easier. I’ll continue to do these as more questions add up that I can’t address in my normal videos. In this one I cover equipment, brushes, and other similar basics. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below. Thanks for watching! Visit the artist’s youtube channel here.
Visit the artist’s youtube channel here.
In this video I show you how I sketch and draw faces. I cover basic concepts and techniques that’ll enable you to draw better portraits. For this tutorial I have used Clip Studio Paint but the methods explained in the video apply to any medium, so feel free to use paper and pencil, the iPad Pro & ProCreate or anything else you have! (Please keep in mind that this video focuses on the technical aspect of drawing faces. I wasn’t trying to create a nice and appealing illustration.) I hope this drawing tutorial helps you in becoming a better artist 🙂 Let me know in the comments what you struggle with the most! Visit the artist’s youtube channel here.
Visit the artists’s youtube channel here.
In this video I show you my process on how to create a digital painting in Procreate, on the iPad Pro (12.9) with the Apple Pencil. Visit the artist’s youtube channel here.
I really hope you found these Procreate drawing tutorials for beginners helpful and enjoyable! I will be adding more to the digital art section of our site on a regular basis, so check back often! Thanks! Check out our free digital art lessons and demonstrations here.
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