About Judy
I’m a Mixed Media Artist. I have several roles that I play such as, mom, daughter, wife, sister and friend. To make my life more interesting, I am an executive assistant working. full-time in “Corporate America”. This certainly challenges me to juggle and struggle with my personal, business and art life.
My art includes, textural collage works on canvas, cardboard, wood, paper and other substrates using paints, molding pastes, inks, fabric, a variety of found objects and my own handmade polymer clay pieces. I love art.. I need art. Life/Work balance is what I strive for.
Follow me to see if I can pull it off and remember…. always.. always.. thank you for being here and your interest in my blog.
Visit Judy’s Website Today: https://thekeytomyart.wordpress.com/
Mixed Media Citra Collage Tutorial
Last year about this time I did two posts on the beautiful Autumn that we had… you can see the posts HERE and HERE. Well, that was last year. This year is a different story. I have no pictures because the colors are dull this year. The summer was so hot for so long, the trees just got too stressed and couldn’t generate enough chlorophyl. I guess that’s like us really isn’t it.. sometimes? Dontchya think? Let’s hope that next year it comes back in full force with beautiful backgrounds.
Speaking of backgrounds… I wanted to show you a very cool technique that’s been shown here and there using CitraSolv. It’s a degreaser used for household cleaning.. well, check it out HERE. Then check out the CitraArt HERE. Pretty darn cool if you ask me.. go ahead ask me… .. It’s funny you should ask… Yes, I thinks it’s so cool that I made a mixed media canvas collage with it.
Let’s start from the very beginning.. …(wait do you hear Julie Andrews?) Sorry.
I looked all over for a bottle of Citra Solv.. nothing in the local stores even though the CS website listed the retail store locations. So, I finally found a bottle at Vitacost.com. Citra Solv works well with the National Geographic magazine pages the best, as it is contains a clay coating used for the crisp images the magazine is known for.
Moving on….
Here are the steps I took to make my Citra Backgrounds. Start with your bottle of Citra Solv and a Nat Geo magazine. Now, you may want to work with a window open or go outside.. it’s not a terrible smell.. just a very STRONG orangey odor. I got sick of it after a while.
I put my CS in a small plastic spray bottle instead of using a brush. I thought it would be easier to spray. I started to use a small plastic “solo” bathroom cup and a brush to spread it on and this is what happened…
Ummm.. apparently the plastic in the cup did not agree with the CS. However, this plastic spray bottle is fine…
Let’s begin… can you stand it????
Open the magazine to some colorful pages and begin to spray. Spray, turn to next colorful page.. spray, next and so on… now don’t be stingy with the liquid.. if it’s drippy that’s ok…
See how it begins to “melt”.. oh so fun.
Spray all the pages you want and close the book and let it sit for a while.. at least 15 minutes.. if you don’t see a change when you open the page.. spray some more and close the mag… some pages are better than others…. BUT oh look and see some of my results…
Do you see where I have the pencil pointing above?… I saw a face in that blotch and I started to enhance it further. Look for images and play.
Above, I started to rubber stamp and play with the face.
So, there you have the way to make the Citra Backgrounds. Now, let me show you how I applied it to a new mixed media canvas piece.
I started with a blank canvas, put down some fluid acrylics, letting each layer dry. Then on the far right I put a large strip of heavy acrylic paint.
I let it dry then put my heat gun to it really close. This will make the paint react with the intense heat and start to bubble… I got this technique from Gary Reef. You’ve heard me mention him before.. such a love; you can see the video HERE.
Look at that beautiful texture. I’m excited now. When you are happy in bubble town, let it cool down (that rhymes, by the way).
I painted the white with gold acrylic paint and heated it again causing more bubbles… and then another layer of gold…
Once the paint was dry and cooled, I put random ripped masking tape over the gold.
Then painted it red then pulled the masking tape off revealing the gold underneath.
I DIDN’T LIKE IT…I needed to tone down the red.. just wasn’t working for me.
So, I painted the gold over it…..
Close up below.. love the texture…
OK… let’s get on with using the Citra Backgrounds….
So, here you can see the citra pages on the left and going up and on the top… Did a little rubber stamping on them and “antiqued” with some brown shoe polish around the edges.. On the bottom is a ripped resin music page. It’s coming along, but still needs some lovin.
Ah Huh…. one of my favorite techniques.. pushing molding paste through stencil… Here, I tinted molding paste with black acrylic paint.. and mixed to make a black paste.
A little boo boo on the top left of the fleur-de-lis. I’ll need to let it dry and redo that section.
Below is a picture after the fleur-de-lis was done and I added some gold trim along the red strip, hand made polymer clay embellishments, ribbon and gold paste that I rubbed over the molding paste design. People, I’m just in love with Inka Gold waxy paste by Viva Decor. I can’t get enough of it.
Here is the last picture I took. At this point I’ve added, black tissue paper, black stenciling, fabric, lace paper and I blinged up a boring metal pendant. However, I have to admit.. I know it’s not done.. it still needs a final image above the music paper. It’s look very royal.. maybe a queen? Beeswax? What do you think?
I had so much fun creating this piece. Hope you enjoyed the post and tutorial as much I as enjoyed creating it for you. I’ll show my final canvas in my next blog post.
Thanks for stopping by.
autumn hathaway says
So great to see Judy here sharing her wonderful inspiration. Her canvas work is rich and colorful.
libby says
thanks for the demo – so generous -now feel inspired
Connie says
I don’t think your link for citrart is working. It did not go to the page. You may want to check that. By the way, your instructions are way cool! Thanks for sharing.
Connie says
Awesome Citra Solvy Galleries! I’ve got to try this…Soon.
Medusa says
hi Judy, I wondered how artists created like that! thanks for the happy, helpful info. A heat gun, would a hairdryer be hot enough? suppose not. Enjoyed. Thankyou. Medusa
Val says
just lovely! One question, where did you get the fleur de lis stencil? It’s awesome! Keep up the inspiration for us all.
Ginny says
WOW! You make it look so easy! This is beautiful. I can’t wait to try some of these techniques. I have a collage drying now…
Suzie says
Oh my goodness, your writing is as good as your art. Love!
Jill says
What is the equivalent to Citrasolv in Australia? I used Orange Power but it didn’t work. 🙁
Miriam says
Thank you Judy for your tutorial
Can you tell me: At the end, do you protect the artwork with some medium (Ex: Mod Podge, Varnish, clear gesso or something else) ?